FCC issues fresh warnings to landlords over pirate radio operations
The FCC issued a warning to a pair of landlords in New Jersey and South Carolina over alleged pirate radio broadcasts coming from their land.
The FCC issued a warning to a pair of landlords in New Jersey and South Carolina over alleged pirate radio broadcasts coming from their land.
The FCC said it upheld fines against three pirate radio broadcasters and sent nearly four dozen notices about the illegal activity in 2023.
The FCC has solidified more than $2.3 million in fines against pirate radio operators in New York and Oregon.
The FCC sent a letter to nine pirate radio operators and their landlords urging them to stop transmitting illegal, unlicensed broadcasts.
The warnings are part of the FCC’s broad enforcement actions available under the PIRATE Act.
The FCC has imposed $2.3 million in fines against three pirate radio operators in New York and Oregon.