El Huracán Ian inhabilita estaciones de radio y televisión en Florida
El huracán Ian ha interrumpido las estaciones de radio y televisión en toda Florida.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is the public utility regulatory arm of the United States federal government. Among other sectors, the FCC regulates broadcast television, broadcast radio, telecommunications companies and other utilities. The FCC is based in Washington, D.C.
El huracán Ian ha interrumpido las estaciones de radio y televisión en toda Florida.
More than 25,000 Florida residents are without cable, landline phone or Internet service in Florida as Hurricane Ian slams the coast as a Category 4 storm.
Miles de clientes de cable, teléfono e Internet en Puerto Rico están nuevamente en línea luego de que el huracán Fiona dañara la infraestructura de comunicaciones de la isla a principios de esta semana.
Thousands of customers are still without phone, cable or Internet service in Puerto Rico, but many are starting to come online.
Un fuerte huracán que azotó una parte de Puerto Rico durante el fin de semana ha dejado sin servicio de cable, teléfono e Internet a casi 800,000 residentes.
The FCC has fined a Florida-based community radio station over a lack of emergency alert notification equipment.
FEMA is warning broadcasters that an exploit could allow an unscrupulous actor to take over the Emergency Alert System at their stations.
The issue involves 32 wireless microphones manufactured and sold by Sound Around under the Pyle brand name.
The FCC demanded an explanation as to how Standard General’s acquisition of TEGNA would serve the public interest.
The FCC announced a $9 million fine against more than a dozen television stations operated by Sinclair.